Friday, June 8, 2007

Friends Olde and Gnu

Well, the day that I have been waiting for is almost here. According to MySpace, I now have 9 friends, which is 8 more than I had in grade school. And I think the teacher is technically required to be your friend, so I'm not sure that even counts. Anyway, I'm this close to having double-digits. I've got a couple of requests out, so here's hoping Waiting4Luv_17 or DungeonMaster1975 find me worthy. In the meantime I've taken a screenshot testifying to my current friend total, in case some of my current friends back out, like that time the guys and I went snipe hunting in junior high. I'd post the screenshot on my MySpace page, but it seems really difficult. What, do I have to upload it to some image hosting service and then link to the url from my blog? What a pain. Did I mention that I build web applications for a living? I'm developing my own version of MySpace called "An unexpected error occurred." That way, millions of MySpace users will be bombarded by advertising for my site every day. MySpace is the kind of website that makes web developers everywhere think, "Holy crap, why am I working so hard? I should just throw a bunch of open source components together, come up with a catchy name and wait for the desperate singles ad revenue to start rollin' in."

Anyway, it's that kind of cynicism that draws potential friends to me like flies. Or, to complete the simile, like flies to those sticky strips coated with stuff that smells so bad that you can kind of see why flies like it. Why am I so cynical? I attribute it to an incident in 7th grade, where I was required to list the books of the Old Testament in order on a Bible test. I completed the assignment flawlessly, and then for an added flourish I wrote "Ye Olde Testament" across the top in flowery letters. The result? Minus 7 points for misspelling "Old." That's right, I know how to spell "Habbakuk," but "Old" was giving me some trouble. Better mark me down so I'll be sure to work on that for next time. The joke was on the teacher, though. Next week we did the New Testament, or as I like to refer to it, the "Gnu Testament." Best 7 points I ever spent.

I'd like to think that my cynicism has increased the quality of my friends even as it decreases the quantity. After all, you have to be a really special person to put up with me. Hmm, I just checked, and I'm still holding steady at 9. Maybe I should look up my 7th grade teacher. I'm sure he could use some gnu frends.

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